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Tim Zulker

Announcing The Gospel Coalition New England Conference: Show Them Jesus

We hope you will join us for The Gospel Coalition New England Conference, Show Them Jesus, October 16-17 online.
Tim Zulker
September 22, 2020

Introducing Jonathan Lugo

We are happy to introduce Jonathan and Tereangeli Lugo. Jonathan has just been accepted as a Church Planting Pastoral Apprentice with NEU.
Tim Zulker
September 1, 2020

Striking a Balance: Wisdom from a Veteran Innercity Pastor

Recently, we asked Jim Davis about the blessings and challenges of pastoring an innercity church. Now retired from pastoral ministry, Jim serves on the staff of NEU Church Planting as one of the Directors of Care.
Tim Zulker
August 11, 2020

Book Review of Compassion (&) Conviction

A review of Giboney, Wear, and Butler's book <i>Compassion (&) Conviction</i>, a part of the AND Campaign.
Tim Zulker
July 22, 2020

Four Action Points from Matthew 9: Shepherds for the Harassed and Helpless

Four ways that Matthew 9:35-38 should move us to plant churches among the urban poor.
Tim Zulker
June 10, 2020

2 Essential Articles on Social Justice

These two articles by Malcolm Foley and Justin Hawkins are essential reading for church planters on the relationship between social justice and the gospel.
Tim Zulker
May 11, 2020

A Family on a Mission

We want to invite you into a family on mission.
Tim Zulker
May 11, 2020

5 Ways Pastors Should Respond to News of Social Injustice

Five ways pastors and Christian leaders should respond to the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery and similar social issues.
Tim Zulker
May 8, 2020

Introducing Reading with Doug: A Course from NEU Church Planting and Doug Logan

Join NEU Church Planting and Doug Logan to discuss his book, On the Block, and church planting among the urban poor. Six Thursdays from 9am-10am. Starting April 16.
Tim Zulker
April 13, 2020

Now Online: Teaching What Is Good: Ministries for Women in Your Local Church | April 18th

Learn from Sharon Dickens and Natasha Davidson of 20schemes how to serve the women in your local church. Now online and $5 to register.
Tim Zulker
March 25, 2020