Announcing The Gospel Coalition New England Conference: Show Them Jesus

Tim Zulker
September 22, 2020

If you love God’s Word and if you want to be renewed in a Christ-centered vision of life, work, and ministry, then we hope you will join us for The Gospel Coalition New England Conference, Show Them Jesus, October 16-17 online.

It’s easy for countless reasons to grow eccentric, not Cross-centric, or Christ-centric. Without careful attention to our hearts and minds, the wheel of our life gets off-center and we go awkwardly bumping down the road.

We will seek to see and show Jesus as we hear and interact with local, New-England leaders in ministry. You'll hear great teaching, experience powerful moments of worship, have the opportunity for support and prayer, and be encouraged to make some connections with other leaders here in New England.

Whether you're a church leader or a fellow member, a parent or a professional, a student or a small group leader, we'd love to see you there!

TGC New England is a chapter of The Gospel Coalition devoted to pointing pastors, leaders, and churches in the New England area to Jesus Christ! We gather pastors and church leaders to encourage and support one another in ministry.

NEU Church Planting is pleased to be an active partner with TGC NE, and our director, Tim Zulker, is on the steering committee.

Please join us for this important conference! Register here.

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