The Roots of Church Planting

Tim Zulker
May 9, 2024

The heartbeat of NEU is to plant churches and share the Gospel in overlooked inner cities. And planting a church always begins with strong roots. So what are some of the first steps we take when pursuing a church plant? 

Check out how we get started:

  • We Pray for God’s Direction: First we pray for God’s direction – asking where and how He’s calling us. 
  • We Seek Wise Counsel: Then we seek wise counsel from other church planters, pastors, and gospel-centered individuals.  
  • We Listen to Local Leaders: Next we listen to local leaders to understand more about the area we’re pursuing and what specific needs they have.
  • We Build a Team: And finally, we build a staff and volunteer team to lead the church plant into the future. 

Currently, we’re beginning to develop strong roots for church plants in Boston and Springfield. If you or someone you know are interested in joining our team in either of those locations, be sure to reach out to us today:

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