3 Takeaways from The Last, The Least, & the Lost Conference

Tim Zulker
May 31, 2024

We were grateful to have Doug Logan and Mez McConnell share their hearts and wisdom at The Least, The Last, & The Lost Conference. We were grateful too for each one who attended from around New England. Here are three takeaways from Doug and Mez:

  • Evangelism in the inner city is easy. Discipleship is hard.
  • Don’t stack up large amounts of money in your church’s savings account. It’s appropriate for home finances, but not for a church. Move it through and on to the mission.
  • No church plant team in the inner city should launch without a woman on the team who will be reaching the women in the neighborhood.

You can get the UK version of Mez McConnell’s book The Least, The Last, & The Lost here on Amazon if you’re interested in learning more! Watch for the US version by Mez and Doug arriving this fall. 

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