Cleanliness, Timeliness, and Order Are Not Next to Godliness

Todd Rains
April 28, 2020
Cleanliness, timeliness, and order are not next to godliness. What is? A broken and contrite spirit (Ps. 51:17), repentance and confession of sin (Prov. 28:13), and faith that leads to fruitfulness (James 2:14–17).

That's from an article by our Executive Director Tim Zulker entitled Chaos and Order in Urban Ministry that our friends at 20schemes Equip just published.For most of us, engaging in urban church planting will involve confronting ideals of orderliness and structure. Here’s an excerpt:

An order-loving person who embraces God’s call to serve the urban neighborhood will come face-to-face with many deep-seated heart challenges. The theme of order and chaos will be just one. These challenges will either make one resentful and bitter, or more like Christ. When deep heart change is endured or welcomed out of love for Christ and neighbor, then blessing comes, fruit is borne, and Christ is glorified.

Go read it!

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