Now Online: On the Block with Doug Logan

Tim Zulker
March 20, 2020

Event Video Now Available

March Update:

We're moving this event online on Saturday, March 28th from 10am-12pm EST. NEU Church Planting is excited to be able to bring Doug Logan's knowledge to more people in these uncertain times. The fee has been changed to $5. All registered attendees will be receiving updates by email as we get closer to the event. Our vision for this event doesn't change in the context of COVID-19. The urban neighborhoods of New England still need gospel-centered churches. Join us online to get inspired, informed, and engaged about planting churches in these neighborhoods.Our new format will give everyone who attends generous opportunities to ask questions directly of Doug Logan. This will be an interactive event![su_button url="" target="blank" style="flat" background="#ff4438" size="10" radius="5"]Register Now[/su_button]

What We'll Be Covering:

Preaching in Hard Places:

People, both saved and unsaved, church and unchurched are seeking eternal questions, often from people and places that only have temporal answers, anecdotes, and analogies. We must draw from the deep well of the Scriptures as well as the writings of a variety of good resources, authors, and the aroma and heartbeat of the Block. We must prepare sermons that present Christ. Join us as we dive deeper into ‘Preaching in Hard Places.”

Evangelism in Hard Places:

When I think of planting churches in America's inner-cities I think of the vast and untilled spiritual soil that is illustrated by the concrete jungles of the inner-city block. Many of the unreached inner-cities are unreached because of the unwillingness of pastors to answer a call to them. Jesus was a developer of scholarly practitioners (John 14-17; Acts 8-9). His passion is to help his disciples become knowledgeable of His word, able to skillfully live it out, and then practice it is a particular are for reproduction in the lives of others. Join us as we discuss what ‘Evangelism in Hard Places’ looks like.

Community in Hard Places:

Our desire is to see Jesus bring comprehensive renewal to cities, especially inner cities. From the abandoned homes to the highest statistics of single-parent homes, inner-city neighborhoods carry an overall feeling of neglect, abandonment, and loneliness. The church plant in the hood helps to rewrite the radical individualism and relationally fragmented life on the block by living out being a good neighbor like Jesus commanded. This session is designed to help you build a theologically driven model for church that puts Jesus at the center and sets a family atmosphere tone to our church's overall life.



Saturday, March 28th, 10am - 12pm EST:Two sessions:

  • 10am Hear from Doug: He will be consolidating his planned talks into a single hour of remarks.
  • 11am Q&A: We'll open up the floor for questions on the wide range of issues that relate to this topic.

Updated pricing: $5 registration fee 

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About Doug Logan

A former pastor in Camden and Philadelphia, Doug Logan was appointed by the Acts 29 Network to serve as the director of the Diversity Initiative and the co-director of Church in Hard Places. Doug is the founder and president of Grimké Seminary in Richmond, VA. He is the author of On the Block: Developing a Biblical Picture for Missional Engagement as well as numerous articles. Doug and his wife, Angel, have been married since 1996 and have three sons.

As someone who has pastored in urban neighborhoods, Doug Logan will bring a wealth of relevant experience to NEU Church Planting's first event.

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