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NEU Church Planting Team

NEU Podcast #6: Morgan Proudfoot: Escaping the Streets, Returning to the Streets

Tim Zulker and Todd Rains speak with Morgan Proudfoot about his church planting efforts in New Bedford.
NEU Church Planting Team
July 27, 2022

The Value of a Poor Person by Matthew Spandler-Davison

Hear Matthew Spandler-Davison's talk about the value of a poor person.

Equipping Women for the Church: NEU & 20schemes

Join 20schemes and NEU Church Planting for an afternoon with Sharon Dickens, Natasha Davidson, and Katy Sawyer in East Providence, RI on Sunday, April 24, 2022.
NEU Church Planting Team
March 18, 2022

NEU Podcast #5: Pastoring in the Schemes with Andy Constable

In this episode, Tim Zulker speaks with Andy Constable of Niddrie Community Church about the joys of being a pastor in a hard place.
NEU Church Planting Team
November 3, 2020

NEU Podcast #4: Experiencing COVID-19 as a Poor Community with Chip Anderson

As COVID-19 continues to affect communities and churches around the world, Tim spoke to Pastor Chip Anderson about how his church has experienced COVID-19 and dealt with its challenges.
NEU Church Planting Team
June 17, 2020

Announcing: Sex Trafficking Awareness for Pastors and Leaders

The buying and selling of girls and boys happens everywhere. Learn how to protect the vulnerable in your churches and communities from sex trafficking. Two Wednesdays starting July 8th. Register Now.
NEU Church Planting Team
June 11, 2020

NEU Podcast #3: Discipling Women and Children in the Inner-City with Sharon and Natasha

This month on NEU Podcast, we talked with Sharon Dickens and Natasha Davidson. It's a great conversation about how churches in an urban poor context can serve women and children.

Introducing NEU Podcast: All About Church Planting in Urban New England

NEU Church Planting is launching a rebranding of our podcast today with two new episodes. The goal of NEU Podcast going forward will be to bring together a collection of wise voices to inform, exhort, and grow our community of church planters who are building sustainable, diverse, and gospel-centered churches among New England's urban poor.
NEU Church Planting Team
April 29, 2020

A Guest Appearance on the DMP Podcast

Last month Tim Zulker and Miranda Laughlin were interviewed by Chap Bettis on The Disciple-Making Parent. Listen here.
NEU Church Planting Team
March 26, 2020

5 Great Books On Church Planting Among The Urban Poor

A reading list to help you better understand why church planting among the urban poor is so important and so often neglected.
NEU Church Planting Team
March 18, 2020