Introducing NEU Podcast: All About Church Planting in Urban New England

NEU Church Planting Team
April 29, 2020

Launching NEU Podcast

NEU Church Planting is launching a rebranding of our podcast today with two new episodes. The goal of NEU Podcast going forward will be to bring together a collection of wise voices to inform, exhort, and grow our community of church planters who are building sustainable, diverse, and gospel-centered churches among New England's urban poor.

Our First Two Episodes

NEU Podcast #1: Grimke Seminary with Dr. Doug Logan

For our first episode, we are talking to Dr. Doug Logan about Grimke Seminary. Grimke Seminary is a new attempt to serve and develop church leaders from among the communities that need them most: the urban and rural poor. Tim Zulker speaks with President Dr. Doug Logan about the seminary's mission and namesake: Francis Grimke.

NEU Podcast #2: 20schemes with Matthew Spandler-Davison

Planting churches among the urban poor is hard—hard enough that many write it off as impossible. In our second episode, Matthew Spandler-Davison and 20schemes demonstrate a different philosophy and method of bringing the gospel to the poorest of the poor in Scotland.


NEU Podcast is currently available on Spotify, Stitcher, and more as well as from an RSS feed. [Edit: now available on Apple Podcasts and great apps like Overcast, and Castro.] Subscribe in your favorite podcast app so you don't miss any episodes.

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