Read Tim's Newest Articles on Sex Trafficking at 20schemes Equip

Todd Rains
October 17, 2020

20schemes Equip just published two articles by our Executive Director Tim Zulker on sex-trafficking and church planting. They are both well worth reading for church planters, especially those who work among urban poverty.

Sex Trafficking and the Inner-City Church

His first article Sex Trafficking and the Inner-City Church discusses the brutal facts of sex trafficking and how its prevalence and profitability mean that it is a reality across the world, in your community, and is growing:

It’s common to hear “I know that happens in other places, but I’m sure it doesn’t happen here.” The truth is, it does happen “here.” It happens in upper-middle class suburban towns, it happens in rural areas, it happens through public schools, it happens at football events, and it happens by Moms who sell their daughters to support their opioid addictions. [Few] consider that it may involve someone in their church. Which is the point of this article. Those who minister in urban neighborhoods must be especially wise when it comes to trafficking as they shepherd their people.

Read the rest of the article for more of the brutal realities of sex trafficking.

How the Cross Confronts the Horrors of Sex Trafficking

In his second article, How the Cross Confronts the Horrors of Sex Trafficking, Tim works through how we can confront the reality of sex trafficking with hope and wisdom drawing on Habakkuk and Conn and Ortiz's Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God.We encourage you to read these articles to be both informed and encouraged about God's care for those trapped in sex trafficking.

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